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School of Automation


Empowering future innovators with equality and inclusion, at the heart of what we do: At the School of Automation, we're dedicated to providing top-tier technological education while ensuring equal opportunities for all.


Our dynamic learning environment welcomes aspiring automation professionals from diverse backgrounds, offering access to cutting-edge knowledge and hands-on expertise. We support career transitions and promote inclusivity and diversity in automation.


Centred in Glasgow, the School of Automation is committed to enabling people to develop successful careers in automation across the UK and Ireland. We exist to broaden the opportunities for people to release their creativity and develop the technical skills needed to transform the world around them.


Robotic Process Automation is a fast-developing technology market with the sector increasing by 43.4% in the last five years. This has also created a huge skills gap. We are confident and invested in bridging this gap by developing skills in process automation technology.

We aim to create a healthy ecosystem of talent, as the technology industry grows, by addressing the shortage of automation skills that are in high demand.


School of Automation has set out on a mission to fast-track talent into sustainable future employment in this growing industry. We aim to provide education and industry skills that meet the needs of the economic recovery, post-global pandemic. The recent turn of events with the pandemic has further fuelled the adoption of digital initiatives as we search for new ways to work more efficiently while enabling remote working.

School of automation was started as a mission to provide training and mentoring to talent from diverse backgrounds so they can be part of a digital transformation drive. At the same time, provide them with an opportunity for sustainable employment in the exciting new technology fields of process automation.”


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