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James McIntyre-Ure

Career Coach
James specialises in helping people who feel stuck in their careers. His coaching is useful for people who:
  • Want to change their job / career
  • Need a winning CV, cover letter and Linkedin profile
  • Feel overwhelmed with different career options
  • Are searching for a sense of purpose
  • Struggle to deal with setbacks and rejections
  • Have difficulties balancing priorities
15 years of teaching, training and facilitation has honed his expertise in developing confidence, motivation, effective communication and leadership skills. Furthermore, he's won awards for having a positive impact and been invited to speak at international conferences in Australia, Turkey, Vietnam and Cambodia.
He is a certified careers coach with EMCC accreditation which means he coaches to a high standard and his work is regularly supervised. Using design thinking and positive psychology, James empowers individuals to develop the skills and mindset needed to move forward confidently. He specialises in uncovering paths for professional growth, transforming problems into solutions, and crafting a roadmap for career success. For further details, visit his website.
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