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STEM and Medtech

STEM and Medtech jobs? Don't miss the first Jobs Expo Galway

STEM and Medtech are buoyant in Ireland. If you work in science, technology, engineering, maths or medtech, you won’t want to miss the opportunities available at the inaugural Jobs Expo Galway. Jobs Expo is Ireland’s leading careers fair, and our first Galway event takes place at the Radisson Blu Hotel and Spa on Saturday 11th February. […]
19 January 2017
Est. Reading: 3 minutes
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Sanofi Jobs

Sanofi recruiting at Jobs Expo Cork this November

Jobs Expo Cork is delighted to announce that Sanofi will be recruiting for jobs at our November event. Sanofi provides patients and healthcare professionals in Ireland with efficient and effective therapeutic responses to diseases in their key therapy areas. In Ireland, the company provides medicines to treat patients with illnesses including oncology, diabetes, thrombotic and […]
28 October 2016
Est. Reading: 2 minutes
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Jobs Expo

Jobs Expo Dublin Announces Line-up for Saturday's Jobs & Employment Fair

Ireland's leading jobs and employment fair, Jobs Expo, returns to Dublin’s Croke Park on Saturday 22 October and is set to be bigger and better than ever before. Event organisers, Careers Unlimited, have released their exhibitor and speaker lists for the event, which is expected to attract thousands of professional job-seekers.. A wide range of […]
19 October 2016
Est. Reading: 4 minutes
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Boston Scientific

What's it like to work at Boston Scientific Clonmel?

If you are working in the STEM sector, you can't afford to pass up the opportunity to meet with Boston Scientific at Jobs Expo Dublin. But what exactly do they do? And what's it like to work for them? We thought we'd let them tell you in their own words. About Boston Scientific Boston Scientific is […]
14 October 2016
Est. Reading: 2 minutes
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Scientists, Engineers and Geniuses! Jobs Expo has STEM opportunities for you

Do you work in science, technology, engineering or medicine? These sectors, colloquially known as STEM, offer some of the most interesting, exciting and rewarding careers. What’s more, STEM professionals are also some of the most in-demand employees in Ireland. The STEM sector in Ireland has been heating up for years. Qualified professionals – particularly in […]
20 September 2016
Est. Reading: 3 minutes
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VWR International

Meet VWR International at Jobs Expo

We are proud to announce that the innovative VWR International will be exhibiting at this October's Jobs Expo. A company with global reach, VWR's headquarters are in Radnor, Pennsylvania. They are the leading, global, independent provider of products, services and solutions to laboratory and production facilities. With sales in excess of $4.3 billion in 2015, VWR […]
16 September 2016
Est. Reading: 1 minute
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